Vixen Rehw-bidit

Name: Vixen Rehw-bidit

Nicknames: Vixxie, Vix

Age: Unknown

Height: 4'9"

Race: Seems Raen, Au'ra

Orienation: Pansexual

Class: Black Mage

Occupation: [Redacted]

One who stares at their aether for too long certainly notices the way they're starting to feel off. Void energy radiates from them and while they are often with a smile bright enough to blind most, it never reaches their eyes.

-Often seen with a bigger companion, a rather tired Rava who seems to despise them, it's often questionable why they are out. And if it's safe.

-Their aether is rather dark and sinister, easily revealing their true nature when one looks close enough.

- This small creature is often easily bored and rather loud about it too. But they have been seen rather excited to fight when able so why not offer your hand in a fight?

-Surely that blood smell is nothing more than just left over from the Blood Sands. But that smile when blood is smelt is too ravenous to be normal.

I run on CST time!

WU/Ts are great and noted for future encounter(I have a better memory of those who approach me usually)

Ask my discord for further discussion on future rp!

Any planned darker rps would be preferable planned for me if able. But I'm trying to expand my horizons!

IC does NOT equal OOC.

Long term RP is preferred but short term is just fine with me!

Baz Rehw-bidit

Pactmate, Lover

A Viera male who owes his life to the voidsent. He's someone whose more reserved, along with being rather lazy and not caring for social interaction. How he and Vixen met and eventually fell in love? It's not a tale either will share so easily.

Ren Mosu

Co-worker, Lover(?)

An Au Ra who is often talked about with only fondness in Vixen's tone and gaze. They're clearly one who is cherished by the Voidsent, who craves their touch like one who wishes for water. Of course, they're also rather keen to just protect the other when needed.